Surviving the Summer Heat in Japan: Essential Tips and Products

As the height of summer approaches in Japan, it’s crucial to discuss effective ways to avoid heatstroke, a significant concern during the hotter months. Here are practical tips and products to help you stay cool and comfortable.


Top Heat Relief Products to Beat the Summer Heat

The Ultimate Summer Innerwear: Cooling Fabric Clothing
If you’re searching for the perfect innerwear to combat the summer heat, cooling fabric clothing is a must. These undershirts and undergarments, available from several brands, have a cool touch feature that feels refreshingly chilly as soon as you put them on. Many include a deodorizing function, making them ideal for those hot, sweaty days.

While UNIQLO offers the most accessible and widely available options with around 800 stores in Japan, making it relatively easy to find one no matter where you are, other stores also provide excellent cooling fabric clothing. MUJI, GU, ZARA, and The North Face have similar products designed to keep you comfortable in the heat. Whether you’re out and about or just relaxing, these cooling fabric clothing options are game changers for staying fresh and cool.

 Instant Relief: Cool Rings
Cool Rings, or neck coolers, are designed to absorb heat and offer a cooling sensation, providing instant relief during hot summer months. These products come in various designs and can be used repeatedly, adding to their convenience and appeal. Incorporating a Cool Ring into your daily routine can significantly enhance your comfort in the heat. During the hot summer months, some convenience stores also carry them. Additionally, stores like HANDS and LOFT often have dedicated sections for seasonal summer products where you can find cooling rings.

Handheld Fans: These portable fans are perfect for a quick cool-down on the go. They can be charged via USB and can be worn around the neck for easy portability. Some multifunctional models can even charge your smartphone, making them a versatile summer accessory. In Japan, it is common to see female students wearing these around their necks. Handheld fans are sold at specialty stores like MUJI, LOFT, and HANDS.

Cooling Deodorant Sheets: These sheets help you feel refreshed and cool by wiping away sweat andving a cooling sensation. They are especially useful for those moments when you need a quick freshening up but don’t have access to a shower. Just a quick wipe, and you’ll feel instantly cooler and more refreshed.These are the most accessible options and can be found at convenience stores, drugstores, lifestyle stores like HANDS and LOFT, and more.

Cooling Clothing Spray: Spray this on your clothes to enjoy an instant cooling effect. This spray is perfect for those hot days when even your clothes feel like they’re sticking to you. Simply spray it on your garments, and you’ll feel a noticeable drop in temperature, making it easier to endure the heat.

Emergency Response

In Japan, the summer humidity is so high that even with precautions, heatstroke can sometimes be unavoidable. so if you feel strange, remember these three things:
                 1.             Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids, especially Oral Rehydration Solution or sports drinks.
                 2.             Cool Down: Use air conditioning, fans, or cool towels.
                 3.             Seek Shade and Rest: Avoid direct sunlight, rest in a cool place, and avoid strenuous activities.

If you have a high body temperature (hot body, red skin, and no sweating), call an ambulance immediately. Additionally, if cooling down and hydrating do not improve symptoms or you cannot drink any fluids, consider emergency transport. The emergency number for ambulances in Japan is 119.

For more information, check the Emergency Guide.

By following these tips, you can navigate Japan’s summer heat more comfortably and safely. Stay prepared and enjoy your time in this beautiful country!
