Must-Try: Horai 551 ( 蓬莱551)Pork Buns in Kansai

When you visit Kansai, a region that includes cities like Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, one culinary delight you must not miss is the famous pork buns from Horai 551. Known and loved by almost everyone in the region, these buns are a true treat. Let me introduce you to the delicious world of Horai 551 pork buns and explain why they are a must-try during your visit.


The History and Commitment of Horai 551

Horai 551 boasts a rich history spanning around 75 years. As of January 2019, the company operates 58 stores, all located in the Kansai area. The reason behind the “551” in Horai 551 is rooted in Japanese wordplay. The numbers “551” can be read as “go-go-ichi” in Japanese, which sounds like “koko ga ichiban,” meaning “this is the best.” The founder chose this name to signify that Horai 551 aims to be the best in quality and taste. This name reflects their commitment to always providing the highest quality and most delicious products to their customers. Horai 551 only has stores in Kansai because they are committed to delivering fresh ingredients from their factory to each store within 150 minutes. This ensures that only the freshest ingredients are used to create their high-quality pork buns.

pork buns in the display case

The In-Store Experience

When you visit a Horai 551 store, you can watch through the glass-walled kitchen as the staff hand-wrap each pork bun with care. This sight reassures customers of the quality and dedication that goes into every bun. The aroma of freshly steamed pork buns fills the store, whetting your appetite. Seeing the skilled hands and heartfelt work of the staff, you can truly appreciate why Horai 551’s pork buns are so special.

The person wrapping the pork buns

The Menu at Horai 551

In addition to their famous pork buns, Horai 551 offers a variety of other delicious items. From shumai (しゅうまい)and gyoza(焼きぎょうざ) to chimaki (551ちまき: sticky rice dumplings), every item is worth trying. The pork buns, in particular, feature a perfect balance of juicy pork filling and fluffy dough, leaving you delighted with every bite.Perfect as Souvenirs

menu for pork buns, gyoza, shumai

Store Locations

You can find Horai 551 stores in major cities across Kansai, such as Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto. They are conveniently located in key transportation hubs like Osaka Station, Shin-Osaka Station, and Kansai International Airport, making it easy for travelers to stop by and grab a bite. Be sure to take a break from your journey and experience the delightful taste of Horai 551.

A Must-Try Experience

When you visit Kansai, make sure to indulge in the locally beloved Horai 551 pork buns. Their rich history, dedication to quality, and unmatched taste will undoubtedly enhance your travel experience and create lasting memories.

By experiencing the famous Horai 551 pork buns, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the local food culture of Kansai. Be sure to include a visit to one of their stores in your travel itinerary for an unforgettable culinary adventure.

For more information, visit the official Horai 551 website here.
