Exploring Kiyomizu-dera: A Must-Visit Temple in Kyoto

Kiyomizu-dera, along with Fushimi Inari Taisha, is one of the top places foreign visitors want to see. It’s not just popular among foreigners; Japanese tourists also love it, and it’s a highly favored destination for junior high and high school field trips. Today, I’d like to talk about how to enjoy the journey to Kiyomizu-dera.

Kiyomizu-dera is not only renowned for its stunning architecture and historical significance but also for the vibrant journey to the temple. Along the way, you’ll find an array of shops offering delicious food, sweets, pickles, spices, fans, hair accessories, and more. Here are some popular spots you should check out on your way to Kiyomizu-dera:


 Kyodango Fujinami Sannenzaka Main Store : 京だんご 藤奈美

Website: [Kyodango Fujinami] 京だんご 藤奈美

At this shop, you can enjoy “mitarashi dango.” Mitarashi dango are rice dumplings covered in a sweet soy sauce glaze. The texture of the dango, the number of dumplings on the skewer, and the flavor of the sauce vary by region. In the Kansai (west Japan) area, the dango are known to be softer, and the sauce is said to be milder in flavor. You can also enjoy warabi mochi at this shop, but the freshly grilled mitarashi dango, served hot, is particularly famous. There is a set menu that pairs the dango with matcha tea, and you can choose between sweet matcha and unsweetened matcha. Even the sweet matcha is not overly sweet; it has a subtle sweetness that complements the sweet dango very well. The green dango is infused with matcha, offering both flavor and aroma, and has a slight natural sweetness. Both the tea and the dango have a refined, understated sweetness.

It is important to note that this shop does not accept credit cards; only cash is accepted. So, if you want to enjoy their dango, make sure you bring enough cash. Additionally, the freshly grilled dango offered at the shop cannot be taken out. Only the pre-packaged ones for souvenirs can be taken home.

 Ochanoko Saisai Kyoto Shichimi Togarashi :  京都 七味とうがらし

Ochanoko Saisai is a shop that specializes in shichimi togarashi (seven spice blend). In Japan, shichimi togarashi is commonly sprinkled on udon, tonjiru (pork miso soup), and rice bowls for a little extra flavor. Essentially, it can be added to almost any dish except sweets.

At Ochanoko Saisai, you can sample their popular product, Kyoto Chili Oil Furikake, right at the store. It has a delightful sesame flavor and a spicy kick, making it quite delicious. While it might be too spicy for children, adults will likely find it to be a perfect balance of flavor and heat. I think it would be especially tasty when sprinkled on rice balls.

 Ousunosato: A Plum Lover’s Paradise : おうすの里

Another shop I would like to introduce is Ousunosato. This shop sells a variety of umeboshi (pickled plums) and other plum-related products. Ume (plums) are rich in citric acid and are said to be effective in relieving fatigueI believe that the lowest-sodium umeboshi would be the most accessible option for those trying umeboshi for the first time. Umeboshi can be enjoyed not only on its own as a tea accompaniment but also as a filling for rice balls, mixed into salad dressings, or used as an ingredient in various dishes, making it very versatile. In Japan, it is widely recognized that including umeboshi in a bento box helps prevent the food from spoiling, so it is often added to bento boxes.

Besides umeboshi, this shop also offers umeshu (plum wine) and plum juice. The plum juice samples offered at the store are very refreshing and delicious. Since the plum syrup is sold in its concentrated form, it can be diluted with water or soda. It is so tasty that  every one in all ages  can enjoy it.

Whether you’re visiting for the stunning views at Kiyomizu-dera or the delightful culinary experiences along the way, Kyoto offers a unique blend of history, culture, and flavors that cater to all ages. Enjoy your journey and make sure to indulge in these local treats!

Handy Tips for Your Kiyomizu-dera Visit

The admission fee for Kiyomizu-dera is 500 yen for adults, and payment is cash only.

Additionally, not only at Kiyomizu-dera but throughout Kyoto, there are many outdoor sightseeing spots with little shade, making it quite hot. Therefore, taking measures against the heat is essential in summer. Many people use sun umbrella . However, in crowded areas, large umbrellas can be a nuisance to other pedestrians, so it’s recommended to use smaller umbrellas if you prefer a sun umbrella. If you choose to wear a hat, one with a wide brim is ideal.
